Rimskaya/Ploshchad Ilyicha metro, Boulevard Entuziastov, 2


Our address

2 Boulevard Entuziastov, 109544 Moscow, Russian Federation
If you are travelling by car or ordering a taxi use the address 7 Mezhdunarodnaya street

Write to us

How to find us

How to get there
How to get from the subway

NETIZEN Moscow Rimskaya is looking for a subtenant for the kitchen!

We are looking for a resident for a small but technically equipped NETIZEN kitchen. We believe it would be a great fit for start-up entrepreneurs, perhaps bakers, cake and dessert makers, as well as businesses that provide catering for delivery and are in search of additional space for production. In the case of synergy and trust - we would be happy to provide the opportunity to sell products to our favorite hotel guests and visitors! We are open to discuss any formats of interaction - come forward, our future partner!
